Miners Gallery
This is a place to share images of Bisbee mining company employees through years. If you wish to add a photograph of an employee , you can email it to.
Contributors To Bisbee Miners List
Ross Whiteaker
Carolyn J. Sanders
Veronica Murray
Mark Pederson
Nina Graeme
Diane Beling
Ron Sheri

Henry Barton Whiteaker better known as HB Whiteaker. Worked for the Copper Queen branch mines division in the 1940's. Later he went to work in the Potash mines in Carlsbad NM., Brother to Tex Whiteaker who had the reputation of being one of the best miners in Bisbee.

Julian (Kelly) Castillo started underground in 1959 worked in the Cole mine.

Baker Olmstead Jr Started in the Bisbee mines in 1966.

Moon Mullins part of the mine rescue team. Circa 1957

Ralph Hastie started underground in 1936 worked as a mine though spending the later years as a motorman.

Frankie Zedar started with Phelps Dodge in 1947. He was a shift boos , motor swamper in the Campbell and finished his career in Bisbee as A diamod driller

Jim Baker in 1975 was job was a engineer swamper (bonus engineer). He previously had been a miner.

Frank Benavidez A motorman in the Cole mine. Circa 1970's

? Johns a member of the mine rescue team. circa 1920's

Ernie Gregg a member of the helmet crew. circa 1920's

Bill Sharpe worked in the shops and underground. Circa 1920's

Walter Freeman part of the mine rescue team. circa 1920's

Fred Brandt a member of the mine rescue team. circa 1920's

Richard Graeme III Started in 1960 working underground in the Bisbee mines. Working his way up to miner and finally became a geologist.

Alfonso Hirales (High Rails) Started underground in 1951 worked in the Campbell MIne

Julian Durazo mine in the Cole started working in the mines in 1953.

Julio Palomino wearing white hard hat, started with Phelps Dodge in 1942. Severely injured during World War II returned to work as a toplander at the Dallas mine until 1975

Larry Echave photo taken in the Cole mine in the 1970's

Ernesto (Neto) Chavez started in the mines in 1948. Become a motorman in 1961, working mostly in the Cole mine.

Glenn L Allen Shattuck Denn Mill superintendent. Circa 1920

Keith Coke, Chief Geologist in the lavender pit sitting on blasted timber. Photo taken in April, 1970

Garland Wolff Circa 1910's

C.H. Howard working as a mucker underground. Circa 1910's

Thomas McFeely A hoisting engineer for Copper Queen Consolidated mining Company. Circa 1910's

Jimmy O'Brien, Ropeshop foreman checking the cable on the Cole main hoist 1964.

James R Bond miner who worked in the Dallas mine.

Benjamin Fyhr Machinist/Engineer, C & A M Co 1905-1917

Dave Beling, Mine Engineer at the Campbell from 1964-1969.

Toribio (toby) Valdez Started underground in 1952. Worked in the Campbell mine.

Melvin Elkins started underground in the Sacramento Mine in 1951. He spent most of his time in the Cole mine as a tool nipper, working until the shutdown. He later went to work at the Douglas Smelter.

Pumpman John Caretto at the 2966 level Campbell pumps.

Ropeman Ben Hamrick standing on the cage. Photo taken on the Cole shaft 1450 station.

Shift boss Keith Lemon on the 2833 level Campbell mine.

The geologist Gary Dunlop on the 2700 level Junction mine.

George Washburn worked as a supply clerk in 1920, originally from Montana. Photo circa 1900

Henry Hernandez worked underground from 1962-1975 and in the 1980's working for Bisbee Salvage & Equipment Company. Better know as "Pelon" spent most of his career as a miner, When the mines closed he ending up working at the Douglas Smelter.

Bobby (Pete) Oller Started working in the mines at Bagdad, Arizona. He ended up working underground in Bisbee as a miner until the mines shutdown. He also spent time working underground at Dos Cabezas and at the Douglas smelter

Charles Keeler Started working underground in Bisbee in the 1880's retired in 1950

John Palomino Started working underground in 1943 working until the mines closed. he finished his career underground as a tool nipper.