Malachite as a coliform mass, 23 cm. Czar Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo

Malachite as pseudomorphs after azurite on goethite, specimen- nine cm tall, Sacramento Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme III photo.

Calcite as helectites on calcite coated hematite. Specimen - 11 cm. 7 level Southwest Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo

Copper as pseudomorphs after dodecahedral cuprite crystals on copper. Specimen - 23.2 cm. 10D stope, 1400 level, Dallas Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Calcite, tinted by malachite, Specimen 31 cm, 6 level, Southwest Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo

Polished slab of banded azurite with chatoyant malachite. 8 X 4.2 cm Holbrook Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Calcite, colorless to white intergrown rhombohedral crystals with minor specular hematite 20 cm 7th level, Southwest Mine Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Malachite 17 cm high Czar Mine Smithsonian Institute specimen Richard Graeme IV photo.

Malachite as chatoyant stalactites to 7 cm, Douglas collection Smithsonian Institute specimen Richard Graeme III photo

Azurite as a second generation overgrowth on large malachite pseudomorphs after azurite 200 Level Czar mine 22 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo

Chlorargyrite as crystals to 6 mm. with malachite and minor sengierite, 155 XC, 1100 level, Cole Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo

Malachite as a replacement crust after azurite on malachite, 11 cm, 400 level, Gardner Mine, Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Aragonite overgrowth of gypsum variety selenite as a post-mining "Bird nest" view 11cm Campbell mine, City of Bisbee collection Photo Doug Graeme

Chalcoalumite as a replacement crust on azurite and malachite 12 cm Holbrook Extension, Lavender Pit Mine Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Malachite as a replacement of fossil crinoid fragments with manganese oxides view 3.5 cm Holbrook Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo

Copper 8 cm 10-D stope, 1400 level, Dallas Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Malachite as a 7 mm thick crust on siliceous breccia fragments, Holbrook Extension Lavender Pit Mine Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Azurite vug with goethite coated malachite and minor cuprite 19 cm 200 level, Czar mine Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Chalcoalumite, as cast pseudomorphs after azurite and as a replacement of malachite 9 cm Holbrook Extension, Lavender Pit Mine Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Malachite as course crystals on azurite, 4.3 cm, Czar Mine Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Calcite 12.5 cm 7 level Southwest Mine, Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo

Azurite on Malachite 12cm 770 level Junction Mine Graeme collection Photo Richard Graeme IV

Bromargyrite as crystals to 0.7 mm and as a replacement of silver, with minor malachite and plattnerite on quartz, 300 level, Shattuck Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme III photo

Copper, spinel twin 12.5 cm 2200 level, Campbell Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo

Geothite, as stalactites partially coated by gibbsite, with malachite and minor azurite 12.7 cm Czar Mine James Douglas collection Smithsonian Institute specimen Richard Graeme III photo

Azurite, as a multi-hued velvetlike overgrowth on zincian malachite 13 cm 400 level, Holbrook Mine Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Shattuckite and bisbeeite with malachite 69 prospect, 200 level, Shattuck Mine (type locality) 20 cm Shattuck Collection Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum Richard Graeme III photo

Aragonite, as helical growths tinted by rosasite and malachite 30.5 cm 6th level, Southwest Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo

Malachite, as pseudomorphs after azurite on goethite 13.9 cm Holbrook Mine M.J. Cunningham collection Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum specimen Richard Graeme III photo

Malachite with azurite 41 cm 400 level, Holbrook Mine Shattuck collection Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum Richard Graeme III photo