Mineral Species Gallery A-C

Aragonite, as a post-mining "bird's nest" form, 2200 level Campbell Mine. 21 cm X 19,7 cm. Graeme collection Photo by Richard Graeme IV.

Aragonite, as copper tinted, bluish acicular crystal with minor tan dolomite on light green, conichalcite-tinted calcite. 7 level Southwest Mine, 10 cm wide. Graeme collection Photo by Richard Graeme IV.

Aragonite, as white to colorless crystals with minor tan dolomite 7 level Southwest Mine. Specimen – 1 cm Graeme collection

Aragonite (post-mining) stained by copper Specimen - 11.5cm 1 crosscut 1300 level Cole Shaft Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Aragonite, as a copper-tinted anthodite speleothems associate with rosasite and with a partial, later coating of calcite. Specimen - 13 cm. tall, 81 crosscut, 6 level, Southwest Mine. Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Aragonite with minor tan dolomite 21 cm. 7 level Southwest Mine, Richard Graeme III photo

Aragonite, as white to colorless crystals with minor tan dolomite 7 level Southwest Mine. Specimen – 12 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo

Aurichalcite, as acicular crystals on altered limestone. 5 level, Southwest Mine, View - 11.8 cm., Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Aurichalcite with calcite and iron-tinted aragonite. 9.5 cm, 6 level, Southwest Mine, Graeme collection Graeme photo.

Botryoidal aurichalcite 5cm 6th level Southwest mine Doug Graeme photo

Azurite altering to malachite on goethite and acicular malachite Southwest mine crystal 1 cm Graeme collection

Azurite, as a lining of a goethite, boxwork vug with brilliant tufts of malachite to one cm. Specimen – 6.5 cm Tunnel level, Higgins Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo

Azurite, as thin stalactites to 1.2 cm., on goethite. This specimen was sold by the noted mineral dealer, A. E. Foote C-1890. In spite of the contemporary labeling of the Copper Queen Mines as the source, the specimen was almost certainly mined from the nearby Czar Mine. Specimen – 10.1 cm Czar Mine. Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Azurite, as 3 cm. crystal with malachite and calcite on chalcocite. Sacramento Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Azurite, as a coliform mass with malachite, Spray Mine. Specimen – 20 cm., Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Azurite with malachite and quartz, Note; The quartz is present as residual chert fragments from the replaced Martin limestone.12 cm. Holbrook Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Azurite Holbrook Mine view 8 cm Photo Doug Graeme

Azurite, as epitaxial overgrowths on malachite pseudomorphs after azurite, Gardner Mine, longest specimen – 5 cm., Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Azurite, as spheres to 2 cm., Holbrook Extension, Lavender Pit Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo

Bornite with chalcopyrite and minor pyrite. Junction mine View – 6 cm, 6.1cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Bornite, as a fracture-filling in massive pyrite/chalcopyrite, Junction Mine. View – 3.4 cm, 8 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Buttgenbachite in Cuprite Czar mine view 2cm Graeme collection

Calcite with included cuprite on native copper. crystal.7mm Czar mine 400 level Graeme Collection

Calcite, as hematite-tinted loops of rhombohedral crystals 7 level, Southwest Mine. Specimen - 4.5 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Calcite 7th level Southwest mine 5.5 cm Graeme Collection Douglas Graeme photo

Calcite, as a copper tinted stalactite with calcite helictites, 100 level, Holbrook Mine. Specimen – 74 cm Graeme collection Douglas Graeme photo.

Calcite, as a series of eccentric loops of colorless to white calcite on a single, elongated calcite rhomb. Specimen – 10 cm., 7 level, Southwest Mine. Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Calcite, as pseudohexagonal, colorless crystals, some of which have include goethite phantoms, all on a mixture of goethite and unidentified manganese oxides. Specimen – 11 cm., 2566 level, Campbell Mine. Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Calcite as complex crystals, with rhombahedral calcite on goethite. View - 22 cm, 2566 level, Campbell Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Calcite as a spiral-shaped, intergrowth of rhombahedral crystals with local goethite staining, specimen 21 cm tall, 8 level Southwest Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Butterfly Calcite, as an elongated butterfly-twin 7 level, Southwest Mine Specimen - 9.5 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo

Cerussite Gardner mine

Cerussite, as twinned crystals to 7 mm on azurite and malachite pseudos of azurite. 105-C stope, 1900 level, Campbell Mine, Graeme collection. Richard Graeme IV photo.

Chalcoalumite pseudomorph after azurite Lavender pit mine Holbrook Extension View 5cm Graeme collection

Chalcoalumite stalactite Lavender pit mine Holbrook Extension View 1.5cm Graeme collection

Chalcocite, as massive, hypogene material with pyrite and minor bornite 39A stope, 1300 level, Cole Mine. View - 7 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo

Chalcocite, as crystals to 5 mm on pyrite and bornite Campbell Mine View 4.4 cm Graeme specimen Richard Graeme IVphoto.

Chalcopyrite with an irregular vein of pyrite and quartz, very much like the chalcopyrite shown in the photograph above. The pyrite veinlet was intruded into the massive chalcopyrite. Campbell Mine. Specimen 4 cm. Graeme collection.

Chloragyrite with Malachite Junction Mine 1500 level

Connellite, as blue sprays of tightly intergrown crystals in massive cuprite with atacamite and goethite. This mode of occurrence is the most common for connellite found at Bisbee, 110 stope, 700 level, Cole Mine. Specimen – 4.3 cm Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Connellite crystals to 4 mm. with atacamite and light green Spertinite in cuprite, 14 stope, 5 level, Southwest Mine, View - 1.8 cm., Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Native copper with almost botryoidal type found in the pit. Lavender pit Holbrook extension

Copper, as a spongy mass with malachite and minor elemental silver, Holbrook Mine Specimen – 13 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo.

Copper, as later, small, arborescent crystal clusters on large (6 cm.) spinel twin copper crystals. Specimen – 9.5 cm. tall, 2200 level, Campbell Mine. Douglas Graeme photo.

Copper, as large, elongated crystals on copper, all with a thin veneer of cuprite. Specimen – 14.5 cm. tall, 26-K stope, 1300 level, Cole Mine. Richard Graeme III photo.

Copper, as unusual branching crystals with minor cuprite on the uppermost portion. The specimen was more-or-less in this orientation when found. Specimen – 15.5 cm., 26-K stope, 1300 level, Cole Mine. Douglas Graeme photo.

Copper with minor cuprite as a thin coating, Czar Mine Specimen – 13 cm., Graeme collection, Douglas Graeme photo

Covellite, as indigo-colored replacement lenses in massive chalcopyrite, Holbrook Extension, Lavender Pit Mine. Polished specimen – 13.4 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo

Cuprite with halo of malachite. Southwest mine 5th level 14stope View 4 cm Graeme collection

Fibrous cuprite Southwest mine 5th level 14 stope view 2cm Graeme collection

Cuprite with paratacamite alteration of Nantokite Southwest mine 5th level 14 stope View 5 cm x 3.5

Cuprite, as the variety chalcotrichite on copper with minor goethite Cole Mine, Specimen 9.8 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo

Cuprite, as the variety chalcotrichite on goethite, The cuprite formed as a replacement of delafossite, as indicated by the relic, tabular plates on the specimen. 400 level, Czar Mine. Specimen – 11 cm, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme III photo.

Cuprite coated by Malachite on Goethite and Hematite Czar mine Cuprite Crystal 1cm Graeme collection Photo: Richard Graeme Iv

Cuprite, as the variety chalcotrichite with auriferous copper. 1100 level, Cole Mine View 2.2 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo.

Cuprite on atacamite, 14 stope, 5 level, Southwest Mine, View – 3. 4 cm., Graeme collection, Douglas Graeme photo.

Cuprite, as tiny crystals coating copper, Cole Mine, Specimen 9.5 cm., Graeme collection, Richard Graeme III photo.