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Fluorescent mineral Gallery
Aragonite birds nest (postmining)
Shattuck mine, 200 level
Higgins mine, Twilight claim
Southwest mine, 7th level
Calcite with inclusions of hematite
Southwest mine, 6th level
Southwest mine, 7th level
Calcite with Inclusions of Cuprite
Czar mine, 400 level
Calcite with Inclusions of Cuprite
Czar mine, 400 level
Calcite on Goethite
Cole mine, 1100 level
Calcite phantom crystals on Silica Breccia
Southwest mine 6th level "ballpark stope"
Calcite with phantom
crystals (red) on Silica Breccia
Southwest mine 6th level "ballpark stope"
Calcite with phantom
crystals (red) on Silica Breccia
Southwest mine 6th level "ballpark stope"
Uranopilite and Zippeite with Gypsum on Sulfides and Johannite
Cole mine
Southwest mine, 7th level
Calcite with Inclusions of Native Copper
Czar mine, 400 level
Calcite on Goethite stalactites
Southwest mine, 6 level
6-81 XC
6-81 XC
Calcite on Mn Oxides and Goethite
Campbell mine, 2566 level
Calcite on Mn Oxides and Goethite
Campbell mine, 2566 level
Calcite on Mn Oxides and Goethite
Campbell mine, 2566 level
Gardner mine
Southwest mine, 6th level
Southwest mine, 6th level
Opal with Quartz
Southwest mine 6th level
Quartz with Calcite
Campbell mine
Campbell mine
Copper Queen mine, "B" level
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