Easter Sunday Gold mining and Milling Company
Easter Sunday Shaft
Easter Sunday Adit
Located southeast of Bisbee towards Douglas, the Easter Sunday Mine was discovered on a Sunday Morning in 1899. Mr. Robinson and his partner were hiking around the hills with their children picking wildflowers. Robinson’s daughter noticed a pretty blue flower. As he climbed up the mountain to get it he noticed a rock ledge with free gold exposed. Mining soon began on the property and gold rich quartz was sold to the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company to be used for converter linings at their smelter. In 1902 to 1903 the mine was operated by lessees that continued to sell the ore to C.Q.C.M.Co. In 1904 work largely ceased at the property even though a few samples containing free gold were found at the site and shown around Bisbee in that year. The major workings consisted of an adit over 800, feet of drift along with a shaft and a 100 ft. deep winze. In the 1990s the adit was still open but had caved considerably and was nearly sealed.

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Portal to the Easter Sunday adit.
Looking up manway into a stope Easter Sunday adit level.
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