Books for sale
by Richard William Graeme III (Author), Douglas Leonard Graeme (Author), Richard William Graeme IV (Author)
Illustrated edition with over 450 images. The mining terms, as used at Bisbee, during its near- century of operation, are based in the richness of merging cultures from other mining regions in the U.S. with those of Europe and nearby Mexico. Many of the terms that evolved in the mines here are descriptive and simple, while others are seemingly unrelated, if not confusing. This was the language of a Bisbee miner, a tongue native to none, but common to all. Herein are many of the words and phrases used by those to labor in this dimly lit worlds. Soon, all too soon, the men who spoke this language of mining at Bisbee will all be gone. The intent of this work is to preserve something of this tonque before it is lost forever.
Publisher : Copper Czar Publishing (March 17, 2023)
Language : English
Paperback : 426 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8218177348
Item Weight : 2.17 pounds
Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.96 x 11 inches
The Mineralogy of Bisbee, Arizona: Volume 1 Geology & Mineralogy
by Richard William Graeme III (Author), Douglas Leonard Graeme (Author), Richard William Graeme IV (Author)
This volume examines the geology and mineralogy of the over 300 different mineral species that were largely created as a result of the formation of copper ore bodies. Special attention is given to the development of minerals in clay environments such as azurite cuprite and associated rare species. A close look at post-mining, fluorescent, and turquoise is included
Publisher : Copper Czar Publishing (August 4, 2021)
Language : English
Paperback : 256 pages
ISBN-10 : 0578748975
ISBN-13 : 978-0578748979
Item Weight : 1.64 pounds
Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.61 x 11 inches
The Mineralogy of Bisbee, Arizona: Volume 2
by Richard W. Graeme III (Author), Douglas L. Graeme (Author), Richard W. Graeme IV (Author)
Bisbee has produced tens of thousands of beautiful mineral specimens prized by collectors and institutions. Although, the mines are best remembered for producing rich glassy blue azurite, and velvety green malachite over 330 different mineral species have been identified from the mines. Bisbee is one of the most mineralogically diverse locations on Earth. Volume 2 is the descriptive mineralogy in which brief descriptions of the forms and locations in which these 330 minerals have been discovered at Bisbee. Note, this is not an illustrated edition, but rather a traditional descriptive mineralogy. This book is intended to complement volume I.
Publisher : Copper Czar Publishing (August 4, 2021)
Language : English
Paperback : 294 pages
ISBN-10 : 0578638398
ISBN-13 : 978-0578638393
Item Weight : 1.87 pounds
Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.67 x 11 inches
Whispers of the Underworld: Bisbee's Red-light District
by Richard William Graeme IV (Author)
Full Color Edition: Truly, remembered only as a faint whisper of history. The brightly, burning, red-light district at Bisbee, Arizona operated legally until December 10, 1917. This revealing history was developed from court documents, coroner's reports, hospital records and other primary source documents. It is well illustrated, with historical photos of Bisbee intermingled with period French postcards to capture the essence of the district of sins. Includes over 100 illustrations.
Paperback: 234 pages
Publisher: Copper Czar Publishing; Color Edition edition (June 28, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 069291367X
ISBN-13: 978-0692913673
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches

Early Bisbee (Images of America)
by Annie Graeme Larkin (Author), Douglas L. Graeme (Author), Richard W. Graeme IV (Author)
Before Bisbee became a bustling mining camp, it was a haven to Native Americans for centuries. However, their presence brought the intrusion of army scouts and prospectors into the Mule Mountains. The coincidental discovery of vast mineral wealth at the future site of Bisbee permanently affixed the fate of the land forever. Rising from the remote desert was a dynamic mining city, a city that grew into one of the most influential communities in the West. Bisbee was unique in the Old West because of the mixed moral values. High society and the decadent underworld lived in a delicate balance, but a vibrant multicultural community was forged from these social fires.
Series: Images of America
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing (August 24, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1467133523
ISBN-13: 978-1467133524

Bisbee (Postcard History)
by Annie Graeme Larkin (Author)
Visually, the Bisbee of today remains a community frozen in time, with Main Street retaining its character from 1910. The discovery of copper deposits in the Mule Mountains brought forth a wealth that enabled a substantial community. Profitable mining ventures and a need for labor drew thousands of miners from around the world to work in Bisbee. These individuals added a distinct flavor to the area. Like countless other Western mining camps, Bisbee evolved from a rough frontier community surviving disastrous fires and floods into a town with a substantial population and solid foundation. Bisbees seemingly inexhaustible mineral wealth resulted in the community becoming a center of economic and political power in an emerging territory on its way to statehood. It was Arizonas greatest copper camp.
Series: Postcard History
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing (July 29, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0738599964
ISBN-13: 978-0738599960

Glossary of Mining and Mining Related Terms as used at Bisbee, Arizona
by Richard W Graeme III (Author), Douglas L Graeme (Author), Richard W Graeme IV (Author)
Out of Print
Every occupation has its own, often distinct, terminology and mining is no exception. While many of the terms were used throughout the U. S. mining industry of the time, their use at Bisbee may have varied, perhaps substantially, as it was common for words to evolve in meaning at a locality to reflect the actual application.
Following is a glossary of the mining and mining related terms as used at Bisbee over the years. In some instances, Spanish terms have been included in the English section as they were an important part of the vocabulary of the mineworkers, irrespective of ethnicity or primary language. A separate section with the majority of the commonly used Spanish terms follows the English section for easy reference.
Paperback: 136 pages
Publisher: Copper Czar Publishing; Second edition (March 12, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0692666486
ISBN-13: 978-0692666487
Forgotten Caves of Bisbee, Arizona: A Review of the History and Genesis of These Unique Features
by Richard William Graeme III, Richard William Graeme IV, Douglas L. Graeme
During the last part of the 19th century miners at the booming mining camp at Bisbee in the Arizona Territory began finding natural caves. These caverns were more than the typical calcite and aragonite filled openings stained by iron and manganese oxides. These caverns contained substantial amounts of malachite, azurite, rosasite and even cuprite. As a result the caverns were at times the formations were colored in deep greens and blues. It was learned that these caves formed as the result of the sugergene (oxidation) alteration of sulfides. The book begins with the history of local cave discoveries and then becomes more technical as it examines the speleology and mineralogy.
7---- Bells: Mine Safety & Accidents at Bisbee, Arizona
Second edition
by Richard William Graeme IV (Author)
Underground mining can be a treacherous profession. In the 98 years of mining at Bisbee, Arizona over 350 miners were killed and thousands injured. The Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company developed an enlightened mine safety program in the Southwest. Under a united vision miners, their families and the mining company created a lasting and successful safe working environment.
Paperback: 589 pages
Publisher: Copper Czar Publishing (July 26, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0578693097
ISBN-13: 978-0578693095
An Overview of the Post Mining Minerals Found at Bisbee, Arizona
by Richard William Graeme III (Author), Douglas L Graeme Richard W Graeme IV
The subject of Bisbee's post-mining mineralogy has rarely been studied. This work examines of the growth and mineral species that grew after the mine workings were developed. Many of these often fragile species are unstable outside the mine atmosphere and color illustrations are provided of them in situ.
Paperback: 36 pages
Publisher: Copper Czar Publishing (October 3, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0692787518
ISBN-13: 978-0692787519
Mineralogical Record Magazine "Bisbee, Arizona - Arizona III":
September - October Vol. 12 No. 5
Richard W Graeme
Out of print
Single Issue Magazine
Publisher: The Mineralogical Record (1981)
Language: English
Collecting Arizona: State of Mines, Legacy of Minerals 1st Edition
by Tony L. Potucek (Author), Les Presmyk (Author), Richard Graeme (Author), Terry C. Wallace (Editor), Jeffrey A. Scovil (Illustrator), Jesse La Plante (Illustrator)
From its earliest days as a territory when prospectors searched for gold and silver to the giant copper camps of the twentieth century to today when Tucson is a mecca for mineral collectors worldwide, the historical fabric of Arizona is woven with minerals. The book endeavors to provide a sense of the people, places, and times that spawned the state's mineral discoveries. It begins with a geologic overview, but the story is more a history than a scientific treatise and is divided into chapters, each covering a distinct era beginning with the pre-Territorial period when missionaries, soldiers, and prospectors made the earliest inroads into the uncharted Pimería Alta, which would become southern Arizona. Collecting Arizona is a Centennial tribute to the state's legacy of mineral specimens; to those who spent time digging, documenting, and preserving that legacy; and to the great State of Arizona, which is built on its minerals and its mines.
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: Lithographie; 1 edition (February 9, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0983632316
ISBN-13: 978-0983632313
Treasures of the Queen: The Bisbee Exhibition
The perfect souvenir of Bisbee, Arizona, and its fabulous minerals, this 32-page full-color book covers the history and display-quality minerals for which the locality is famous.
out of print
Single Issue Magazine
Publisher: The Mineralogical Record
Language: English
Mineralogical Record Magazine "Bisbee [Arizona] Revisited": November - December Vol. 24 No. 6 1993
Update on Bisbee mineralogy
out of print
Single Issue Magazine
Publisher: The Mineralogical Record (1993)
Language: English
Bisbee: Urban Outpost on the Frontier
by Carlos A. Schwantes (Editor)
Situated near the Mexican border in southeastern Arizona, the city of Bisbee gained prominence as a mining center around the turn of the century and by 1981 had produced almost eight billion pounds of copper. This large-format, illustrated volume focuses on the boom years of 1880 to 1920 within the broader context of western mining history and shows how, despite its isolation, Bisbee was influenced by regional, national, and even international forces.
out of print
Paperback: 145 pages
Publisher: University of Arizona Press; 1St Edition edition (October 1, 1992)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0816512922
ISBN-13: 978-0816512928
7---- Bells: Mine Safety & Accidents at Bisbee, Arizona
by Richard William Graeme IV (Author)
Out of Print
Underground mining can be a treacherous profession. In the 98 years of mining at Bisbee, Arizona over 350 miners were killed and thousands injured. The Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company developed an enlightened mine safety program in the Southwest. Under a united vision miners, their families and the mining company created a lasting and successful safe working environment.
Paperback: 438 pages
Publisher: Copper Czar Publishing; First edition (August 20, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0692716742
ISBN-13: 978-0692716748